Saturday, December 8, 2007

7th Dec 07 - Lecture 2


Social Criticisms of Advertising:

Inherent problems of advertising. Problems that cannot be set right entirely but can be set right up to a point. It is an inbuilt error.

Criticism may kill the ‘creativity’ of the ad but critics are concerned with the fact that the ad should not cause moral and ethical problems.

Various criticisms of advertising -

Increasing the prevalence of Materialism:

Advertising may create a desire that may not necessarily be needed. Such a criticism is more prevalent in developing countries where the divide between the haves and have-nots is more. This is primarily because of the problem of families not being able to afford certain things – and a social pressure to buy such things exists.

Eg. Schools have started encouraged children not to wear watches or come by car.

Creating artificial needs:

Needs that are created or inflated. Eg. If a person is thirsty he may drink water but he does not necessarily need to drink Limca or any other soft drink, which is what ads encourage.

Hungry Kya – Dominos Kha!

Titan Nebula – “If you do not have Rs. 35,000, do not even look at this ad”

Idealizing the Good Life:

Eg: The Chivas Regal ad which promotes shows people enjoying life to the fullest.

To view this ad go to :

Stressing Conformity with Others:

Because my neighbour has it, you must have it. Peer pressure exists. Eg. The Onida ad, KBC – Your neighbours have heard from us, have you?

"Neighbours envy, Owners Pride"

Encouraging Instant Gratification and use and throw away societies:

Fast food, ready to eat food, one time use pens, one time use lenses, one time use cameras.

Promoting the good of the individual over the good of the society:

Alcohol and cigarette ads give their USP as ‘smooth’ while such activities are not necessarily good for society. Eg: Four Square – Live life king kize

Maximum cases of domestic abuse are due to alcohol.

Promoting idealistic unreal characterizations:

The Marlboro Man as a symbol of the ‘real man’. Jassi’s ad – people in the ad wanted to exchanged their daughter in laws for Jassi

Using appeal that prey on feelings of inadequacy:

Eg. Complan, VLCC, Fair & Lovely. Targeting peoples insecurities.


Social Responsibility

Advertisements can be socially responsible by being public service ads or adjoining themselves with a cause. Eg. McDowell’s has started a ‘don’t drink and drive’ campaign. Ads can also being socially responsible by not merely being irresponsible.

For Eg: DNA's new ad campaign:

Alternative sources of energy:

Wind Energy and Geothermal energy. Solar Power by Shell. Suzlon is a company that works on wind energy.


Individual Projects:

Project 1:

25 marks for presentation, 5 marks for the Viva

Review 3 advertisements that you do not like in all media.

On ethical grounds, legal grounds, or ethical and legal grounds.

The ad can be in any language provided it is understood.

What would you then do to set it right?

Write a letter to the editor, file a PIL, a signature campaign, report it to the ASCI or AAAI, or approach the agency.

11th January - Submission

Project 2:

Essay for 15 marks.

Each Roll number has a separate topic:

1, 6, 11, 16 … and so on have Topic 1

2, 7, 12, 17… and so on have Topic 2

3, 8, 13, 18… and so on have Topic 3

1) Relevance of Standardization in India in the World

2) Changing trends in advertising of cultural minorities and religious minorities

3) Importance of advertising and media research (including manipulation of advertising research)

4) How aware is the consumer?

5) How are socially responsible are ads today?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Next Class - 7th December 2007

In the next lecture we will be discussing Segment 7 and 8

Segment 7 Social Criticisms of advertising: deals with how advertising creates wants for a particular standard of living, lays an undue stress on material things, and wants for goods and services that we do not really need. It sees advertising as being forced on the consumer. It further talks about waste in advertising - which means unnecessary expenditure on ad campaigns which could actually be done within a much more nominal fee. Eg: Axis Bank spent 30 crores(i think) on its ad campaign, which could be done in much less.

Segment 8 Social responsibilty in advertising: this segment deals with pretty much the same thing we did last semester on corporate social responsibility and how advertising agencies as well as corporates must keep the larger interest of the society in mind while creating ads and promoting products. Many ads have been pulled off air as being considered harmful to children or the society on the whole. Further specific examples will be posted later.


Segment 1
Advertising and the law
  • Need for self regualation
  • Introduction to MRTP Act
  • Introduction to ASCI and AAAI code of conduct
  • The standard contract between the agency and the advertiser
  • Self regulation by individual agencies
  • Drugs and Cosmetics act
  • Drugs control act
  • Drugs and Magic remedies act
  • Copyright Act
  • Pharmacy Act
  • Prize and competition act
  • Emblems and Names act
Segment 2
Ethical Issues in Advertising
  • Puffery
  • Taste in advertising - general guidelines
  • Advertising directed at cultural and religious minorities
  • Advertising to children
  • Use of women in advertising
  • Portraying minorities and women in 'traditional' roles and occupations
  • Depiction of old people
  • Stereotyping - ethnic and racial
  • Advertising controversial products - alcohol, tobacco, contraceptives
  • Political Advertsing
  • Manipulation of research in advertising
Segment 3
Deceptive and Unfair Practices
  • False Promises
  • Incomplete description
  • False comparisons
  • Misleading comparisons
  • and-switch offers
  • Visual Distortions
  • False testimonials
  • Partial Disclosures
  • Small Print clarifications
Segment 4
Case Studies of selected ads that violate legal and ethical concerns

Segment 5
Consumer guidance and Protection
  • Consumer Protection Act 1986
  • Essential Commodity Act
  • Standard of weights and Measures Act
  • Packaged commodities act
  • Prevention of Food Adulteration
  • Role of PDS and consumer co-operatives
Segment 6
Consumer Forums
  • CGSI, CFBP, CERC, Grahak Panchayats
Segment 7
Social Criticisms of Advertising
  • Increasing Prevalence of materialism
  • Creating Artificial Needs
  • Idealizing the good life
  • Stressing conformity with others
  • Encouraging instant gratification and a throwaway society
  • Promoting the good of the individual over the good of the society
  • Creating unrealistic 'ideal' characterizations
  • Using appeals that prey on feelings of inadequacy
Segment 8
Social responsibilities of advertising
  • Advertising as a moulder of thought opinion and values
Segment 9
Critique of Advertising
  • A study of Vance Packard
  • A study of Jean Kilbourne